Groupe sur une via ferrata

Works council

Your natural activities at a privileged price !

Canyon Forest offers entry books composed of 20 priviliged priced tickets, valid the current
season + 2 years. A deducted part exchange on a new booking is possible at the term of the tickets’
validity, within 1 season maximum.
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Informations about our order

A ticket book contains 20 tickets for Canyon exclusively. They are valid for the current season + 2 years.

Nous utilisons Sendinblue en tant que plateforme marketing. En soumettant ce formulaire, vous reconnaissez que les informations que vous allez fournir seront transmises à Sendinblue en sa qualité de processeur de données; et ce conformément à ses conditions générales d'utilisation.

The park’s tickets are valid the current season plus two seasons
(all purchase made in 2023 is valid until November 2025 included).

Business Seminar and Team-Building

Regular partner of business seminar events/communication organising agencies,
Canyon Forest enjoys a priviliged situation :

10 mins away from Nice Côte d’Azur Airport and 5 mins away from the sea, we offer you a 200 ha wooded venue (river, cliffs, forests).

We provide the full equipment, the supervisory staff (instructors and state certified guides), the
logistic, the supplies, the means of communication.
Everyone has his own solution : from relaxing to challenging day, we offer different types of events
and activities such as team-building, adventure course, nature and adventure raids, giant ziplines,
via ferrata and via corda, canyoning, speleology…