Frequently asked questions
I would like to do a course but did not make a booking.
We will do what we can to allow you to do the activity as soon as possible with a trip on foot or bike depending on the availability. Booking enables you to choose the time, how to travel and most of all to avoid waiting lines when it gets crowded.
My child turns 8 years old in 2 days
Unfortunately these instructions are described by the use conditions of our courses and regulation requires us to apply them. We cannot engage our penal responsibility for this motive.
Although you can make a booking at Pitchoun Forest or in our park starting next week.
My child is 1.28m tall and we want to do a course
Unfortunately these instructions are described by the use conditions of our courses and regulation requires us to apply them. We cannot engage our penal responsibility for this motive. For smaller kids Pitchoun Forest is also available !
My child is 1.38m tall and we want to go on the red course
Unfortunately these instructions are described by the use conditions of our courses and regulation requires us to apply them. We cannot engage our penal responsibility for this motive.
I am his parent, I take responsibility/sign you a disclaimer
In France, the responsibility disclaimer isn’t juridically valid. In any case the service provider will remain legally responsible in case of issue (or accident).
We have 8 children but we really want to go there biking
Following several and recurring excesses hardly managable in the past, we have been forced to fix a maximum limit of 8 biking teenagers.
My child isn't 14 years old yet but will go do the activity by himself
Your teenager can do the activity alone but he legally remains a child ; the presence of a responsible adult in the park is compulsory. The adult doesn’t have to practise the activity.
I am more than 14 years old and I am coming to do the activity by myself
It will be our pleasure but a parent or a responsible adult must prescribe the activity, meaning in other words that he/she is aware of the activity that the teenager is about to practise. In fact your parent will have to fill out a permission of practising the activity. From 16 years old you can practise by yourself.
I do not carry my child's ID
We can accept any identity document mentionning his/her age.
I am pregnant, can I practise the activity ?
It is to you to decide with your doctor’s opinion ; but if your belly has taken shape we cannot kit you out. Indeed, the harness will not hold tight and could hold a harmful pressure.
Can I come with my own bike ?
Of course, you will save €2 per ticket. Plan to bring your own lock.
Can we get a refund in case of rain ?
In case of a park evacuation because of heavy rain/thunderstorm we will give you a « rain credit » allowing you to come back and do a course ; if the course hasn’t been finished ! This credit has no deadline but booking remains highly recommended.
Is it possible to do the activity dressed up ?
Costumes and dressing-up outfits are accepted as long as it doesn’t cause any safety issue, including strangling risks with a scarf ; you must be able to wear the equipment, harness, helmet and make sure there is no item that could unhook and bother the participant’s safety.
We were supposed to leave at 4pm and it's now 4.05pm. For 5 minutes late you're making us leave on foot ?
Unfortunately, to guarantee a good organisation in the park, we have to make our departures right on time and that is why we arrange to meet 15 mins beforehand : if it is 4.05pm, you are 20 mins late ! In that case, we can take you at 4.30pm by bike, if we have space, otherwise you may get there on foot.
Can I go by myself to the park biking ?
No, bike departures are made on fixed hours with guidance of an instructor as we cross the regional park. The departmental council imposes us this rule..
I wanna set my dog free. We are in the forest and he's a good boy
We do not doubt he is but we are located on a private site and the presence of dogs, as good as they may be, are only accepted if they are kept on a leash.
I don't have any closed shoes/trainers
It is necessary to have protected toes while on the course, if needed we can provide you a pair of appropriate shoes in the park depending on the availability.
I'm carrying my personal equipment/gear, may I use it ?
We understand your wish to use your own equipment but for safety and insurance reasons, the only authorised equipment for the activity is the park’s and I am certain you will understand that.
Why do I have to wear gloves ?
The clients’ health being our priority, we then estimate more than useful to kit you out with gloves.
You can use your own..
I know the activity. I don't want to do the introduction.
According to the EN 15567-2 norm which rules our activity the test course is compulsory at the end of the safety briefing. If we have the possibility to free one of our instructors we can avoid the explanation phase and go straight to the verification phase.
Can we do several courses ?
We sell 2 types of tickets : for 1 or several courses. You own a single ticket but if you wish to access to a 2nd course you can pay for an additional cost.
I am alone and I want to do the black course
Congratulations for your motivation but this very difficult course, out of the instructors’ watch, necessitates an access for at least 2 participants. The full autonomy on this course imposes a particular security which you will understand.
Therefore it is compulsory to wait for at least another participant to be able to do it and you have to remain together.
The bike departure just left, please let me join them. Why do I have to wait for a biking instructor for the way back ?
Between the park and the reception we are crossing a regional park and the bike trafic is regulated.
We have to guide you and departures are made every 30 mins. You will find water, couches,
hammocks and games to keep you waiting in the park.